Hilke was first off the mark with an apology:-
I am sorry to say that I do not have any photos of myself, I do not take photos and my husband prefers to take photos of historic building etc. to people. So, a blank here, I will have to cope with what you choose.It took some searching, but I believe this is Hilke walking with a group of friends last summer, caught on a surveillance camera. The pub sign and the walking sticks are a give-away!!
Gordon was in second with this poignant picture of him sitting on a bench eating a sandwich with a Boy Scout in Switzerland.
Gordon's comment:- This was just after a swim in the Oschinensee lake, so no wonder I am a bit miserable!
Unfortunately the repair job on his right knee doesn't show too well, but we expect him to have a go at reducing his left knee to the same state on the coming RTC.
Yves weighed in with this:-
"Tried very hard to find a decent pic, but the present Mrs F has vetoed anything that would frighten the horses, so the spirit was there ..."
I admired his nerve in using the phrase "the present Mrs F"!!
I did however manage to find an archive photo of Yves in his former career!
Ian W. was the last contributor with this fine family grouping on safari in Botswana, and has the value added enhancement of a 50% Tilley Count

I am not quite sure why the sons in the back seat are being forced to wait for their inheritance until they get decent hats!!
And at last to our own activities:- Myriam went heavily into carbo-loading with a giant portion of fish, chips and mushy peas from the finest chippie in England in Whitby eaten al fresco!
And at last to our own activities:- Myriam went heavily into carbo-loading with a giant portion of fish, chips and mushy peas from the finest chippie in England in Whitby eaten al fresco!

During the month I was away, my Tilley went unwashed and developed a bit of mould in the damp English climate.

Click to enlarge to read the sign!
The DCB returned to his roots, and I had hoped for a pic of him performing in the Edinburgh Fringe, but this was the best shot I could get, with his National dress and Accoutrements of Office
Regrettably I had no submissions of pictures of AWW's couching in front of the tele watching the Olympics, but as is the nature of this blog, I am examining feedback from the countless webcams I positioned near your usual habitat, so you may yet find a photo of yourself gracing this prologue.
STOP PRESS: A late entry from Rod, who has apparently been taking the easy option in NZ, altghough it looks pretty much like the Algarve to me. I can't see how he can possibly get fit for the new season if he sits around all day!!!
This, then, is the test we must set for ourselves; not to march alone but to march in such a way that others will wish to join us. Humphrey, Hubert H.
STOP PRESS: A late entry from Rod, who has apparently been taking the easy option in NZ, altghough it looks pretty much like the Algarve to me. I can't see how he can possibly get fit for the new season if he sits around all day!!!
This, then, is the test we must set for ourselves; not to march alone but to march in such a way that others will wish to join us. Humphrey, Hubert H.
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