The honour of the first AWW blog of the season, and the first real post of this 2008/9 Blog goes to Mike who continues his Sparrowfart series, albeit in a revised fashion. To ensure adequate numbers, (as if there was any danger with a short walk and a breakfast to follow) he summoned his descendants from around the world, resulting in Casa de Espargosas being filled to the brim with 13 family members. They were not just here for Sparrowfart however - they had a few of the CB's Geocaches to finally resolve, and the not inconsequential matter of the Patriarchs 78th birthday to celebrate on the 17th. Nelson Mandela has somewhat eclipsed this occasion with his 90th on the 18th, but unlike Mike he doesn't go striding through gorse and cistus, and conquering 'undulations' most days of the week.
The significant difference was to be that instead of repairing to Casa de Espargosas for brekker after the walk, this year, a local restaurateur was to share in the economic injection arising from the occasion, and cater a choice of breakfasts for the hungry walkers, and also those that had chosen to have a comfortable lie-in.
And so, at a shade after 0645, in the cool morning air, a total of 21 walkers gathered near Café Cansado in Arão.

The starting line-up.
Herewith the leader's concise report!!
SparrowFart 2008
Walk statistics: Total Distance: 11.4 km; Moving Time: 2hrs 37 min.: Total Time: 3 hours : Moving Average: 4.3 km/hr: Overall Average: 3.8 km/hr: Total Ascent 261 m.: Max Elevation: 155 m.
Walkers (21): Terry and Jill, Paul and Myriam, Rod + son James, Andrew and Lindsey, John O’, Mike + family members: Cynthia, Richard, Rory, Heather and Anna, Peter S, Janet, Antje and Chris, and Ian and Diane. Apologies were received from Tina and Andrew – the former suffering from tooth problems.
Breakfasters (9 + 3 little ones): Sue and Teresa F, Sonja, Jyll + family members: Marguerite, Joey, Nakita, Chaihann and Kiersten.
Special and brief appearance at breakfast: Ian S
Dogs (5), who were permitted by the restaurateur to join the breakfast gang: Sambo (Whittle) – a first time appearance, Tiggy, Nandi, Oscar and Rusty (another first timer).
Rubbing the sleep from our eyes we waited 10 minutes for Tina and Andrew and then set off at 06.55 hours with the sun rising over the hills in the direction of Portimão. Whilst we have walked this route on several previous occasions the splendid views throughout and the fresh morning air for the first hour never fail to delight.
On this occasion we took a somewhat different route to usual, made possible by the sheer-felling of the various eucalyptus plantations that formerly spread themselves over the landscape. The Forestry Department has recently commenced a replanting programme and it will be interesting to see with what trees. Initially, some cork oaks are evident.
The obligatory trig point photo was taken, following a special deviation to do so (demanded by the CB), at Vale de Corvos (159 m).
Jyll provided a back-up service at Monte Ruivo trig point (7.5 km from the start) and collected Diane, Cynthia and Anna who decided that was enough for the day.
D. Eduarda provided cooked or continental breakfasts for the 34 partakers in the garden room, back of the restaurant ‘O Caseiro’ not far from the end of the walk near Arão.

Mike's report was sent to me with this rider:-
"Attached is a rather brief walk report since nothing funny or extraordinary happened that was worth reporting."
I am not entirely sure that was the case. First we had some youth in our midst - a relatively rare occurrence, with some younger dads and mums. This led to a whole new spectrum of conversations away from our usual topics of sex, fast cars and Tilleys. I remember being involved in a fascinating discussion between James and Richard about car seats for kids, and whether a baby seat was allowed in the front, and which way it had to face! And the bonus of having a real medical doctor present! I am fairly confident that most of us found the opportunity to discuss our 'problems' and come away with a free treatment plan. Not to be sneezed at, the way medical insurance is escalating these days. I missed discovering whether Rod had enquired about any potential miracle cures for his debilitating after effects of shingles, but he did let on that he had commissioned Susan's mother to fly in the very next day with the latest designer potions from the USA.
As mentioned previously, Ian S., despite declining the offer of early morning exercise did turn up at the end of the walk to encourage us over the finish line from the safety of his car.

Antje watching very warily for vicious bees at this location!

Which one is the 'pro'?
The Tilley count percentage was almost 25% - a very encouraging figure and you can see 4 of the 5 in the above picture.
So an invigorating start to the season, which now enters a lull until the temperature is deemed suitable at the beginning of September. Don't forget, unless you have already replied, that the RTC 2008, starting at Luz will be on 18th/19th November, so please make your intentions clear as soon as possible, so that bookings for rooms and dinner/breakfast can be made.
"How do you live a long life? Take a two-mile walk every morning before breakfast." Truman, Harry S
And a final very pertinent one:-
Once a woman has forgiven her man, she must not reheat his sins for breakfast. Dietrich, Marlene
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