ACDB writes:-
It is perhaps as well that the Algarve Way crossing has been completed, as Dad’s Army seems to be about to wither away to nothing. Sans Recorder, sans Photographer, almost sans Dog by the sounds of it. Here is Rod’s account of the doings of Wednesday ‘on the other side of the hill’.
Present: Hedley, Frank W., David and Judy Blaylock and Rod (Leader)
Dog, Misty.
A very diminished crew set off from the Bensafrim market cafe on a glorious, very warm morning, but without the deputy blogger and chief papperazzi. This humble report is therefore without photographic, or statistical support nor indeed any punchy inserts. However it was good to welcome Judy and David Blaylock, who had walked with us at some indeterminate point in the distant past.
The walk was one covered before, more or less, through the hills north of Bensafrim and was really quite uneventful. Even the fairly frequent stream crossings failed to present any sort of challenge and there were no notable ascents...all too easy really but about right for a hot day. Lunch was taken, as occasionally before, at the Quinta de Escocia. The Blackie family were not in residence, indeed there was little evidence that they had been any time recently, nor seemingly intended to so we settled ourselves down at their terrace table and chairs. The only thing missing was a waiter and cold beers! All far too comfortable really !
At the bottom of the Bensafrim River valley we caught up with another small group of wandering hikers and our leader decided to make a diversion through Quinta de Paraiso Alto stables to check up on his horse. Misty, perhaps put off by dozens of yapping dogs, decided, unnoticed by us (distracted as we were by chatting to the stable girls!), to follow the other walking group. So we had to beat a hasty retreat to catch them up to ensure Misty was indeed with them. After splitting up and wandering through the back streets of Bensafrim we eventually found the group in the very same cafe that we were heading for, with Misty lying quietly with them!
For the record we were out for about 41/2 hrs and probably covered about 10 / 11 k.
‘Silken dalliance is all very well, but what about the dog?’
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