I am not quite sure why Mike, today's Leader, chose this particular title, as there was a dearth of such on display, and even the donkey, mentioned in one of his frequent informatory briefings on the way round, in the end failed to qualify. What was commendable, and eligible for the AWW Book of Records, is that after I stepped out of the shower at 1605 hrs, and made my way to my computer, it dinged, heralding the arrival of an email which turned out to be Mike's comprehensive and detailed walk report. If I hadn't lingered at Cafe Cansado while Ian S. consumed his bonus beer(s) for winning the race back to the bar, it is conceivable that I might have arrived at my computer before the Walk Report - but it would have been a close run thing. Some might opine that it was "One he had Prepared Earlier" but it had been brought bang up to date with real time events which had occurred on the walk. Welcome back to Terry M. (chance for some free computer advice!!) and to Vanessa, whose name has been on our circulation list for a long time, but appeared today as a 'virgin'! Perhaps that was what Mike was referring to, but 'Galore' is still a bit extravagant! (See Video later on. DCB)
Most paid attention to the briefing.
A feature of this walk was the military precision with which Mike conducted the operation. There was a carefully researched distance/time estimation in the call circular; the exact number of participants as permitted under Rule 1, Subsection (iii); a profusion of briefings throughout the walk; and until the Black Sheep made a break at the end, the flock were herded round in generally good order. Here are Mike's reports - both in short form and the extended value-added version.
(Short form)
Walk statistics: CB to provide
Name: Virgins Galore
The Field (16): Paul; Myriam, Ian S, Ian W, Mike, Janet, Ingrid, Dina, Vitor, Hazel, John H, Tina, Terry M, Alex, Peter and Vanessa (first timer)
Hounds (1 couple): Nandi, Maddie
Walk Report: Not bad [That’s it!]
(CB's Note: This form of report is not to be encouraged!)
He continues...
[For those, especially the CB, dissatisfied with the above succinct report, and demanding a cornucopia of verbosity…. please see below.]
A special offer is available of one copy of ‘Trails in the Algarve’, previously advertised on this site, at the ‘give-away’ price of €100 [but, see note on special discount below]. Turismo in Portimão do not stock the book. It is available from Turismo in Rocha Brava as one example.
(Extended Report)
The track (Enlargable copy here )
Stats: Total Distance: 15.2 km; Moving time: 3 hrs 55 min.; Total Time: 4 hrs 40 min; Moving Average: 3.9 km/hr; Overall Average: 3.2 km/hr; Total Ascent 440 m.; Max. Elevation: 123 m.
The field (16 unmounted followers + 1 couple of hounds) assembled on a fine sunny morning at Arão bang on time and with no saboteurs in evidence. Stirrup cups had been pre-arranged at the nearby hostelry but the landlord absented himself so, following the usual bout of photographic exuberance, the hunt moved off on time at 09.30 hours precisely. Master: Mike, Whipper-in: Ian S.

Mike even arranged a 'support vehicle'

Ascending from Arão
We ascended the first mild hill in good style but were shortly disrupted by a cry of ‘wire’ involving a newly constructed fence. Having no wire cutters we negotiated this with some difficulty, scratches and a bloodied CB. Contrary to popular assumption it thus became evident that the CB is, in fact, a warm blooded creature.

'New' Fence. (See previous notes about value of recces!!)
View Halloo or Where's Charlie? Having rounded the fence we picked up a good scent that took us briskly over the ridge top with good views all round leading us in the direction of the saga of ‘Maurice, the apple and the donkey’. From here we were able to look down on the major road, opened the previous weekend, which leads off the A22 Via do Infante direct to the Autódromo Internacional do Algarve. This is already taking a remarkable volume of traffic consisting mainly of those wishing to see what can only be described as an outstanding engineering feat in a topographically beautiful setting. It is likely to prove a major visitor attraction to the Algarve. On this occasion crossing the obstacle of the road proved no problem but it is regrettably likely that, in the future, it will be fully fenced off. Hounds now gave tongue and led us back up onto the ridge and thence to our first trig point at Moita Ladrões (111 m) where, again, the obligatory photograph was taken involving the usual milling around.

Ladrões Trig Point
From this vantage point the scent now took us down through the pine woods to a minor road and thence past Mulher Morte. Just why the ‘mulher’ died remains a mystery, despite enquiries from the locals – shades of past dark deeds!

Mike's 'Mulher Morte' briefing
The bellows were now given a little exercise as we ascended to Amieira from where we were able to see Boi (125m) together with excellent views of the Serra de Monchique, the wind turbines of Foia and the new Autódromo facilities including the hotel complex, pits and grandstands.

Met some horses on the top with Autodromo buildings in background
At a saddle shortly before Boi the entire field elected the route of the ‘wise virgins’ down to the Amieira stream. The route of the ‘foolish virgins’ involves a climb to the Boi trig point and a scratchy difficult descent through heavy cistus. None of the field elected for this option though Ian W showed spirit in giving it serious consideration.
CB's note:The Wise Virgins benefited from the hard sell speech from the Leader)
The 'Wise v. Foolish Virgins' Speech!
Hazel on the Hop
We took the stream in good style with no falls and then passed three pleasant dams where hounds were able to take a cooler, invigorating themselves for the pursuit ahead. The hunt now streamed forward following the horn and a halloo of ‘Tally Ho, Away! towards a plateau where Charlie ran straight and true southwards towards a monstrosity of a pylon known in geocaching circles as ‘The Rock of Sisyphus’ where we paused for lunch admiring the magnificent 360º view of the south coast resorts, surrounding farmlands and, to the northwards, the Serra de Monchique.
(CB's note: I don't know who Charlie is either - but I do know a George in old RAF slang!!
To my slightly fresher memory, 'Charlie , short for Victor Charlie, is the US phonetic slang for Viet Cong. An old Cockney might understand (a right) Charlie as rhyming slang for Charlie Ronce - ponce, however, cocaine is also known as 'Charlie' and there are some coarser Cockney rhyming derivations such as 'Charlie Bucket' and Charlie Hunt)
( DCB's note: Charlie is probably a.k.a. Mr. Todd or your common or garden fox.)
Some had lunch to windward.........
.......and some in the lee!
Suitably revitalized and refreshed and with hip flasks pocketed we made a good descent to join the dirt road that leads to Moita Ladrões and Centro Hipico near Mexilhoeira. On the return journey we passed under the new Autódromo road by way of a muddy tunnel crossing.

Evidence of the muddy tunnel!
It is sad to report that the CB must be losing his marbles as he admitted to not being aware that we had crossed the major road in this manner. A subscription list will shortly be opened to benefit CB's suffering from Walkers Fatigue.
Charlie now led us homewards the way we had come along the ridge top westwards.
(CB's note: Here the Leader glosses over the fact that despite the 'new' fence having been there on the way out, causing grievous injury to yours truly, he had forgotten about it by the return journey, and a last ditch attempt was made to circumvent it to the east which failed: thus we again found ourselves exposed to more barbed wire and thorns!!)
New Fence (again)..........
........and again!!
However, the proximity of the hostelry at Arão proved too much for the Whipper-in who took hounds down at a canter, ahead of the Master where Charlie finally ran to ground at 14.10 hours.

Supping in the sun!
Note re book: A special discount of €95 is available to the first AWW applying to Mike for this book which he will bring to the walk scheduled for 12th November.
Thanks Mike for a pleasant and informative walk. All leaders - especially next week's - would be advised to remember the Three 'R's:- Recce, Recce, Recce!!!
Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Proverb, English
Now the movies:
Vanessa's first appearance
The Tale of Mulher Morte, or "Murder Most Foul" ( Hamlet I.5 )
And a final word from our animal friends:
"Can't comment on their virginity, but all these walkers look pretty foolish to us."